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Ron submits written public comments to HPC against the large and costly MWC proposal
Ron submitted public comments to the City of Annapolis Historic Preservation Commission, for their hearing tomorrow evening on the City Dock project and the so-called "Maritime Welcome Center." Check out his official remarks, explaining why the Mayor's costly proposed crystal palace on City Dock is a mistake for our historic community...
Proposed Harbormaster’s Building at City Dock Faces Criticism from Harbormaster
"The Harbormaster’s building, a key component of the City Dock redevelopment project ... has been criticized by Beth Bellis, the City of Annapolis Harbormaster, for failing to meet operational needs, impeding workflow, and neglecting critical functionality for the Harbormaster’s staff."
Maryland's tax burden ranks among nation's highest, study finds
Our state already has the 46th highest tax burden in the nation. This is why it is so important that we have city elected leaders who will oppose tax hikes, and will get wasteful spending under control. Read about how bad it already is at the state level...
OPINION by Katie McDermott: City goes full steam ahead with short-sighted Welcome Center plan
"With two parks at the City Dock, does the city really need a 'people’s yacht club' as a new building on the water’s edge, betraying resiliency and sustainability sensibilities and diverting resources for more compelling city needs?"
Eye on Annapolis
What are the real Annapolis crime stats?
"... the Annapolis Police only reported two rapes in 2024, but when you dig a bit deeper, there were really 24."
Capital Gazette
Are State and County Tax Hikes Looming?
Reading between the lines, it sounds like we will be facing state and county tax hikes this year. Will the Annapolis Mayor and City Council do likewise? Let's hope not!
RIP President Jimmy Carter
Thoughts tonight on the death of President Jimmy Carter at age 100. In 1976, then-Governor Carter was the first candidate to inspire me to get involved in politics. I was 12-years-old volunteer for his campaign during the crucial, early 1976 Florida primary. Read more...
Annapolis loves a parade ... even in the rain
Annapolis loves a parade … even in the rain. We have nine parades on Main Street each year, giving us a wonderful “small town” community feel. Today's parade was for the Military Bowl game at Navy Stadium between East Carolina and NC State...
Annapolis Plastic Bag Ban Goes into Effect on January 22nd
Hey Annapolis! Let’s keep the plastic bag ban (as it includes reasonable, allowable exceptions), but let's repeal the ridiculous and mandatory 10¢ paper bag fee the City Council is forcing businesses to charge all of us.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year!!
Think of this post as an online holiday card to all of our friends and family. Please click the link to check out the great holiday card of our home by local Annapolis artist Deidre Tanton...
In final meeting of 2024, Annapolis City Council bans new drive-thru windows
Even though three council members warned the move would hurt "vulnerable populations, such as older adults" ... Alderman Huntley voted to ban new bank and pharmacy drive-thru windows throughout the city.
eye on annapolis
Holiday Weekend Rape, Robbery & Burglary Crime Wave in Annapolis
The Thanksgiving holiday weekend saw a wave of rapes, sexual assault, attempted robbery, and burglaries in Annapolis. Read more...
Capital Gazette
Shoppers flock to downtown Annapolis on Black Friday: ‘People want to see the products’
Read about our neighbors and tourists flocking to Downtown Annapolis to #ShopLocal and #ShopSmall this holiday season. Be sure to visit our great local shops on Maryland Avenue, Main Street, West Street, and around City Dock.
Midnight Madness: Shop Local
Get in the holiday spirit with festive shopping in Downtown Annapolis. Midnight madness runs 4pm to midnight on the first, second and third Thursdays in December. Please be sure to shop local and support our Annapolis small businesses!
Capital GAzette
Annapolis City Dock construction start date still unclear following visit from FEMA
No groundbreaking date yet set for City Dock project, as City still lacks FEMA approval. Read more...
Capital Gazette
Local Residents Overwhelmingly Say "NO!" to Tax Hikes
The Capital Gazette conducted a this week poll of readers, and the results were overwhelming: Local residents say NO to any tax hikes. Read more...
Eye On Annapolis
Interested in Running for Elected Office in Annapolis? Here’s Your Info!
The residents win when the residents have real, meaningful choices. Learn more about the upcoming 2025 Annapolis city elections, and what you need to do if you want to run for office...
Massive State Tax & Fee Hikes Looming Next Year
With the State of Maryland now facing a $2.7 BILLION dollar deficit, we will likely see massive state tax and fee hikes next year. Another reason why we must do everything possible to keep taxes down at the City level. Read more...
Happy Veterans Day
Today we honor all who served our nation in the armed forces. And, although this is Annapolis, on this day of the year, we can loudly say GO NAVY ... and GO ARMY, GO AIR FORCE, GO MARINES, GO COAST GUARD, and GO SPACE FORCE!
Halloween in Annapolis
Enjoyed seeing some trick-or-treaters on Hanover Street tonight. My mom, 85 - who is visiting us from Florida - loved seeing the little kids. Click through for a pic.
Welcome to the race, Tom Sells!
We now have a third candidate to announce for the Ward One seat in the Democratic primary: Tom Sells. A good spirited contest that gives residents a robust choice of candidates is a great thing!
Ald. Huntley all-in for new, multimillion dollar, multi-story building at City Dock waterfront
A picture says a thousand words. Check this out...
"The City of Annapolis reached a new record for the most flooding events experienced in the city’s history ... The city has flooded 74 times in the past 8 months ... the city is on track to having 120 flooding events this year ... the city faced two record-breaking floods this year."
L'shana tova. Happy Rosh Hashanah. Best wishes to all our Jewish Annapolitan family, friends and neighbors for a healthy, happy and successful year ahead.
Editorial: Annapolis Isn’t Stockholm – Stop Trying to Mimic Sweden’s Sustainability Model
"Instead of attempting to replicate an unsustainable model for Annapolis, the city should focus on realistic, homegrown solutions that align with the community’s values and legal framework. Annapolis isn’t Stockholm, and it’s time the city government stopped pretending it could be."
Capital Gazette
Annapolis residents and leaders raise concerns over government officials’ trip to Sweden
"Critics say sending a delegation of 17 state, Annapolis and Anne Arundel County officials to Sweden so they can conduct environmental research, examine electric ferries and meet Swedish leaders is unnecessary. The weeklong trip, estimated to cost $75,000..."
Alderman Huntley voted to fine businesses $1,000 if they give you a free paper bag
Alderman Harry Huntley voted FOR the proposed city ordinance to penalize businesses with a $1,000 fine if they fail to make you pay ten cents for every paper bag you need for your purchases.
Capital Gazette
Alderman Huntley wants to ban pharmacy, bank and restaurant drive-thrus in Annapolis
"The Annapolis City Council heard testimony Monday night on proposed legislation that would ban new drive-thru windows in the city. If enacted, the legislation would affect fast-food restaurants, banks and pharmacies. ... Harry Huntley, representing Ward 1, support[s] the legislation."
Annapolis Maritime Welcome Center still draws pointed questions
Ron Gunzburger, candidate for Alderman, spoke out at the Historic Annapolis/Ward One Residents Association joint public hearing, expressing concerns over the planned visitor center, the ballooning costs, and the significant financial impact this will have on residents for years to come - residents who are already paying nearly 25% more in city taxes than they did just seven years ago.
Baltimore Banner
Alderman Huntley backs Mayor's costly City Dock Visitor Center plan
Newly selected Alderman Harry Huntley SUPPORTS Mayor Buckley's costly City Dock welcome center plan. “The welcome center, right now as proposed, is going to give you that same … kind of view for everybody, for everybody, and that is such a beautiful vision that we can let people come to our city and look out on the majesty of the Chesapeake Bay,” Huntley said. “To me, it’s hard not to get behind that.”
"I congratulate Harry Huntley on his selection as the interim Alderman on the city council, and look forward to facing off against him next year. We have different visions for our city, and vastly different levels of experience. Those differences present voters with a clear choice," said Democratic candidate Ron Gunzburger.
Ex-Hogan aide seeks council seat
A Democrat who served in Hogan’s administration is trying to join the Annapolis City Council ... Gunzburger currently serves as chief of staff of the nonprofit StoryCorps, which among other things has a weekly radio segment on NPR’s “Morning Edition.” An attorney, Gunzburger has also worked as a public defender, a prosecutor and in a top job at the Broward County Sheriff’s Department in Florida
Former Hogan official launches campaign for Annapolis council seat
Ron Gunzburger, a Democrat, kicked off his campaign Wednesday. ... His priorities include public safety, addressing the “growing affordability crisis” in Annapolis and making sure that resiliency remains the priority of the City Dock Revitalization project ... He said that he couldn’t “imagine situations [in which] I would vote to raise taxes because I think the city has a good-sized budget now."
Meeting to replace departing alderwoman Tierney postponed
The Annapolis Democratic Central Committee postponed a scheduled hearing to fill outgoing Ward 1 alderman Elly Tierney’s seat until September.
The hearing, originally set to take place Aug. 26, was postponed to “ensure a smooth transition and compliance with Annapolis City code” because...
Ron Gunzburger Launches Run for Ward One Alderman
Ron Gunzburger (Democrat) – a nonprofit leader, attorney, and Historic District resident – today launched his candidacy for Annapolis Alderman in Ward One.
“I love Annapolis, but we’re facing a lot of tough issues,” Gunzburger said. “I’m running to make Annapolis a better, safer, and more affordable community.” ...
Ron Gunzburger speaking at the National Governors Association #DisagreeBetter convening
Ron's remarks last fall to the National Governors Association meeting in New Hampshire, on the need for more civility in US politics. We need to see those on the other side not as enemies, but as fellow Americans and neighbors (even when we think they are terribly wrong or misguided). If we all start doing that - on both sides - it can make for a better nation.